Sunday, November 18, 2012

Xiu Feng Jie Jie's wedding lunch~Missed my "To You" dance class..ANNOYED~

Woke up early early at 8+am , preparing and make up for Xiu Feng Jie Jie's(She's my cousin) Wedding Lunch!My eyeliner was kindda fail coz my left eye's eyeliner was thinner than the right one, but hees.. no time to change it.I can always cover them with my fringe anyway~!
Kies, I forgot to bring my camera to shoot nice pictures~ T _ T Just my mobile phone lousy camera lo~~
Anyway the hotel for the Wedding Lunch was in Farrer Park(SO FAR from my house), I don't wanna mention the hotel name since the Vegetarien dishes were like not so delicious~
Xiu Feng Jie Jie was so pretty today, she's the bride, Spotlight of today's Wedding Lunch~!Good that she found a cute nice guy to marry to~~~결혼이 축하해요!!!꼭행복해요!
 AH MA!Our grandma says"Give Birth to daughter better~"OUO
 Serving tea~
 Xiu Feng Jie Jie's parents drinking tea~
 They are gonna give red packet/s and drink tea soon~
 My parents drinking tea~(Obvious)
 My parents~after drinking tea~!
Hoho!I hiao la, I know~

 Lamp with candle inside~!
 The lamp!So cool can!

                                                 Plastic+Paper Cake!I touched it~

Apple juice~(Vegetarien champagne)
 Accident picture, that's why it's so damh near~But it's nice~  
                                                                                                              my outfit+shoes!

My eyeliner wasn't drawn well, quite obvious~

I left at 3.30pm(before the wedding lunch end) to go home to change to dance attire.and I rushed like hell...Eventually, I have reached my house's bus stop realising I didn't bring my house key.(That's Stupid.). Luckily my parents and brother had already reached home already...
But wait... ... I LEFT THE HOTEL MUCH EARLIER THAN THEM, and They Reach Home About the SAME timing as me...Well, should have just go home with them.
Although I rushed like siao...Still reached home SO LATE! I was damh annoyed that it was like 4.45pm already, and I can't go Novena(CJ) for my Teentop-To You dance class.if I really go to Novena that time I will reach like 45mins to 1hr later since my dance class start at 5pm.
Have to miss a class liao~  T ~ T Don't know why feel damh annoyed...
휴~~~I was totally fine after awhile when the anger calm down~

I  was lazy to remove my eyeliner before bathing...So after bathing my eyeliner was still there~Strongly waterproof!HAHAHAHAHA! I looks weird anyway~!

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