Wednesday, November 28, 2012


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"1000年、ずっとそばにいて..." is a super awesome song to me
First listen(last week through Japanese radio): "Wa...AWESOME SONG~Especially Onew's singing voice!but one part of Onew+Taemin's singing sounds very out of the song and Minho's rap sounds too, don't sounds like part that come out from the same song."

Second listen(Yesterday through the offical Music Video):"omg~~"+"aww~~"+"wow!"+"Key sings really well here...he looks so cute doing the low part harmony with Min Ho."

Third listen(This morning while watch the music video after looking at the storylines): Tears dripped down~(due to the storylines.. I guess I cry too easily for such a mundance storylines early in the morning.)

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! SHINEE's "1000年、ずっとそばにいて..." Japanese Album will be releasing on 12/12/12(12th December 2012)! I will buy it when it's out!!!WILL BUY IT~!!!!!!

Seriously la, stop converting Korean songs to Japanese songs, it lacks sincerity+it doesn't sounds alright in Japanese+it's NOT Creative at all, make more new songs in Japanese like 1000年、ずっとそばにいて... or Kiss Kiss Kiss okies!!!

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