Sunday, March 6, 2016

More nice Kdrama to introduce hehes

I have more nice Kdrama to introduce here again~ hehes!
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*Personal preference* over here, so don't kill me if you didn't like it hor. Personally, I love comedy, mystery, thriller, horror genre.

1. She was pretty (그녀는 예뻤다)
I started watching this because I miss watching "Kill Me Heal Me"... because Oh Ri On and Oh Ri Jin (from Kill me Heal me)... I watched and it's actually not bad.It's about a girl, Hye Jin who looks super pretty when she was a kid but grown up being "Ugly"(they define her as ugly, but I find her really cute.).
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Due to this problem, Sung Joon (her childhood friend) could not recognize her at all. She ended in magazine department and met Sung Joon(still did not recognize her) again. This drama focus quite abit on what does magazine department really do...It's rather interesting to roughly know what magazine department do too!
It's quite hilarious~~~especially Shin Hyuk, he is so funny in the drama...Si Won really did a great job as Shin Hyuk!
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Sung Joon, he's also quite hilarious at some moments...I just -.- when he do those.
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He mistaken the flower pot for his coffee, and he really drink finish without realizing...
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This blur king Sung Joon... -.- Kenna shocked by Shin Hyuk IN HIS OWN HOUSE OU<
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And... Sung Joon.. WHAT are you looking at
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Ahhh THIS hahahaha omg
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This scene is really funny! Shin Hyuk and Sung Joon~~ double combo

2. Angry Mom
"The one who loves more is always the weaker one."
Just like our parents
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they are usually the one who love us more than we actually do... and they gotta tolerate all our nonsense since we're baby->rebelling teenage...
This drama central around high school bully and Mother's love. This is not the common kdrama you're thinking about. The mother actually went into the school AS A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT where her daughter was bully to find out about the truth. And thereby she discovered alots of secrets~~~ The villain also managed to keep destroying evidences found by this mother. It's rather thrilled to watch and at the same times, it's very heart-warming..
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This teacher is really super good...at the beginning he's annoying but after he understand le, I love him so much!!!
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He was sad that he couldn't understand his students and he wants to help them alots.
Got funny parts too...This group quite hilarious in this drama. His lantern hairstyles OAO |||
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3. Yongpal(용팔이)
Yongpal was quite interesting at first, a fresh idea of a doctor who need to treat gangsters in order to payoff his loanshark's debt. That "loanshark" is quite kind and friendly though. Just because he can't afford to be discovered, he have to work for the bad guys and also he will get the money he need. And things complicate when yong pal went up to level 12, as well as into Han Yeo Jin's house... and the story lines became really frustrating and tense that I can't stop watching (that explains the lack of screenshots.) >A< It's like...almost everyone you turn to, are at the villain's side!!! The villain won most of the time that I feel like throwing things at them(but cannot la, my computer will spoil first.)... T _ T
Me while watching Yongpal episode 18
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wa...the last few episode is rather shocking... plot twist twist twist and twist
But it kindda end well. OUO
One common thing I can relate with Yong Pal is... 我们都很缺钱... hahahaha
Joo Won really suits this kind of drama role.. Last time his "Bridal Mask" 's role also quite similar to this role in "Yong Pal"-> good person role that helps the bad person because he have no choice but he's still good and destroy bad person 's path.

4. The Village: Achiara's Secret(마을-아치아라의 비밀)
I discovered this drama because this drama is gonna broadcast after Yong Pal ended to take over Yong Pal's timeslot. (I planned to watch the drama("Remember: War of son") that is gonna take over "The Village: Achiara's Secret""too! It's another mystery thriller-ish genre again >W<)
Hmm, when you see the poster/trailers of this drama, don't be mistaken, it is not a horror show (no ghost okies, no ghost hehes).
this drama love to use those background that is usually used for horror movie HAHAHAHA and it made the mood and atmosphere very interesting. OAO It kept making me super curious episode after episode. I love this drama for not having any really romance romance storylines at all! This is what mystery, thriller genre drama suppose to be! This drama is quite interesting and tense also, that I just kept watching only...It's very difficult to stop. (that explains the lack of screenshots once again.)
They explained real well on the last episode as for why this and that happened which made it real worth to watch till the last episode. unlike some other dramas which didn't explain stuff I wanted to know!
There is this one thing I feel every times I watched to kind of drama...Is it me or do you feel that it's always not statisfying to see the bad guys who did a lot of very cruel stuffs (Nam Soo Man and Kang Pil-Sung) just...kenna arrest ONLY(and their stories ended there.). It's like buay song ley, for how they kill/**** victims, I will love to see them getting the same punishment back to them... For example, Kang Pil Sung, HE SHOULD be INJECTed THE "HAPPY MEDICINE" to himself, and he will suffer like how all his victims suffered.
On a side note, Sung Jae is damh cute in this drama >W< (Btw I didn't watch this drama because of him ley.)
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His characters in this drama is like a typical romance comedy drama female lead~~~ cute cute gong gong(blur blur) de...
HAHAHA but this is not a romance comedy.

5. Oh My Ghost (오 나의 귀신님)
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It's kindda like comedy style kdrama... But it's also have mysterious and thriller elements.
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HAHAHAA THIS AUNTY Shaman see her almost everyday, but still kenna scare by her almost everytimes.
So I watch this drama expecting myself to just laugh only but toward the end...it's kindda exciting with the mysterious parts. (OMG I LOVE IT!) The ideas of having a ghost helping a girl to date the guy she likes is so creative~ 
The Aunty Shaman and the Chef's mother are so cute, such friendship I like~ 
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Eun Hee is just so unlucky (she lost the ability to walk, she lost her chance to become a successful ballerina and she lost a husband to an evil spirit.. her husband does not remember her at all.). Soon Ae is so good to her dad and bro, it's really a pity that she got killed even before she can give her dad his present gift. Soon Ae is so cute and lovable yet pitiful... Heart pain ley... And she only fall hard in love with chef when she is a ghost. It's not possible since there is still Bong Sun... I like Soon Ae more than Bong Sun. 
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It's like...can see that Chef obviously likes Soon Ae better than Bong Sun. Soon Ae is so lively and fun to be with. Bong Sun is so damh quiet, boring and weak. But toward the end, I'm glad that Bong Sun changed to abit more lively and sweet.
Kim Seul Gi acted damh well as Soon Ae... and she can sing real well...omg I love her voice when she sings "A Million Rose(백만송이 장미)" waaa..
The last episode of this drama...I cannot..I actually cried. It has been long since I last cried due to drama. Shin Soon Ae left... I saw Soon Ae and that Aunty Shaman saying goodbye >A< it's just so sad...
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and the part on Bong Sun letting Soon Ae to possess her to say goodbye to Chef..I just.. > n <
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Soon Ae bid farewell to Chef...
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And she stopped her dad from dying(literally blocked him), and asked him to stay alive till he say Kyung Mo(her little bro) get married and have grandchild. lol
Quite poor thing though, Soon Ae died due to that stupid evil spirit in Detective Choi's body as well as being unlucky to phone (the wrong person) Detective Choi about witnessing a hit-and-run car accident(which was done by Detective Choi lol).
What's more, Detective Choi just ended up being like a re-formatted computer only, since the evil spirit left his body, so he have no ideas what he did in the past.
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WHAT ABOUT THOSE LIVES HE HAVE TAKEN?! THIS DETECTIVE CHOI, He Injured his "wife"(THE victim of hit-and-run), KILLED SOON AE (*angry*), Killed a dog, KILLED DETECTIVE HAN and kipnapped Bong Sun (As expected, main cast wun die one la.). HE SHOULD BE JAILED, CANES and GET DEATH PENALTY.. But then that should be the punishment for the EVIL SPIRIT NOT HIM..ARGH.. We can't do anything to the evil spirit since it was vanished...Ahh frustrating. Nvm Detective Choi is still so shuai anyway..

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Yes I do agree...
"잘 가아 신순애~!"(Goodbye Shin Soon Ae~!)- Aunty Shaman

6. Remember-War of son
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I have no ideas how people watch this drama... It's ONLY 2 episodes per week, how did they managed to wait? The frustrating suspense in each episode is killing me. The plot is seriously very annoying (that's because, when I see a hope, the villain destroy it straight away...THE VILLAIN ALWAYS WIN WITHOUT FAIL!) and yet made me wanna continue (coz I'm waiting *Angry* for the time where the villain lose!).
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Wa watching this made so tense on every single episode... I wanted to stop watching this for several times due to Nam Gyu Man (THAT SAME ACTOR, Namgung Min, who acted as the series killer in "The Girl Who Can See Smell") but I ended up continuing coz I can't stand watching Nam Gyu Man keep winning !>A<
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episode 10 is a killer...It's so sad and angry. Tbh after watching episode10...I have a bad feeling about the ending of this drama.
Jin Woo is like forever letting the villain know what he's up to, and then the villain always manage to destroy his plans because Jin Woo told them! Jin Woo, can you like stop telling THEM!
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I had a great laugh on episode 19, it's quite hilarious. Wa, I definitely hate the last episode but it is indeed a good artistic ending~
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So bascially, this drama is mainly about Father and Son's love. This drama will teach you ways to threaten people and betray others.HAHAHAHA
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Because of Park Dong Ho, I fell in love with 경상도 사투리(Gyeongsang dialect), the way Dong Ho speaks in the whole drama with Gyeongsang dialect is so cute and manly *W*
This is that kind of drama whereby after I started watching, I can't stop watching, and then I can't wait for it to end..and now I feel really empty when it ended. It's an interesting drama overall~~!
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Warning: For people who wanna start watching this drama, be prepared to get really angry with Nam Gyu Man and...Seo Jin Woo.

7. Please Come Back, Ahjusshi (돌아와요 아저씨)
Because I have watched too many mystery/thriller genre, now I need some comedy drama~~ So, I watch "Please Come Back, Ahjusshi"~~
So far so good, quite interesting HAHAHAHA! Manly Kim Suro become a female, I just... BLAHHAHAHAHA!
episode2 quite funny liao~~(I never watch Rain's drama one arh, but this is an exception.)
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Okies, basically this drama is about two Uncles, who were dead and refuse to go to heaven, insisting on going back to Earth to complete what they can't complete before they were dead. So they got back in a new body each~
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Note that this drama is very new, so it have only broadcast-ed until episode 4 only. Argh still gotta to wait for new episodes every week....

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