Friday, September 11, 2015

Inside out

Just watched "Inside Out" recently... It's very creative whereby they let the emotions in a person have their own characters each(each emotion was personified) and it is very easy to distinguish each of them. The very obvious looking "Fear", "Joy", "Angry", "Disgust" and "Sadness", followed by each characteristic that was assigned to each of them.

If possible, I'll like have just "Joy" and keep the rest of them in their little circle so that I wun feel fear, angry, disgust and sadness. I just love "Joy", her character can be interpreted in many different ways, but I will just interpret her as being very positive, extrovert and fun person. The rest are like... "Fear" will make me so damh paranoid... Angry will piss me off... Disgust will make feel that she's judging me for every single things I do... Talking to sadness will make me feel worst after meeting fear, angry, disgust...
See what I mean? We all need "Joy"! That's why "Joy" kept wanting to get back to the control station asap(even when "Joy" have to abandon "Sadness"... she actually once/twice abandoned "Sadness" in order to get back to the control station) in the whole movie because that girl(human) need to be happy! OUO

I feel like I'm more toward "Fear", I always imagined things(The worst case scenario...which might never happen in real life) before I experienced...
like for e.g if I didn't hold the kettle of hot water carefully, I might spill the whole thing and scald my feet(and the scary wound><). (sth like this and many more).
I'm actually a very timid person and have a lot of unnecessary thinkings.
I might looks like "Joy" or looks happy most of the time, I still have "Sadness", "Angry", "Disgust" and "Fear", just that they are mostly hidden inside me as I "smile".

The introduction of "Bing Bong"(the imaginary friend)...*A* I can totally relates to it, I used to treat all my soft toys as if they are alive and helped to voice out their voices. But... not anymore...and neither do I believe that they are alive anymore(just like Santa Claus). They are now just kept somewhere in the dark to..collect dust... Although that I don't believe anymore, they were once part of my childhood, they will remain as part of my childhood memories. (They wun disappear like Bing Bong does...)

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