Friday, April 18, 2014

~Ready to cos Nonon Jakuzure~ Finally!!!

The very last thing; Nonon's hat was completed!!!! After being so lazy and dragging for soooooo long~~~~ > X <
I've done Nonon's baton in like early January, and her costume arrived in like early March~ And now then I'm done with making her hat~
I don't know why, I feel like her hat is so damh difficult to make that I kindda afraid to make, so it(that cap) was placed in my cupboard for super long~~~lol sometime it's simply coz I'm Lazy~
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Baton was so much being neglected since January~  TADAH! Nonon's hat!!!
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*RIGHT VIEW*                             *LEFT VIEW*
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*TOP VIEW*                                 The cover of the hat have holes coz I dun have enough paper~lol
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Monkey's skull~ So cute!!!*Self-prase*   My brilliant ideas, using those clips found at home
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Tissue box to make Monkey's skull   A real cap which I dun want with felt cloth pasted~  

If you look at that Money's skull, it's really hand-drawn by me de, that's why it wasn't so perfect.> ~ <. And it's so annoying using water-based black marker; it simply "helped" in smudging everywhere I draw...*STRESS*....that I ended up using black PEN to go over all the smudging ...>OAO<... Because I don't want to remake that whole cardboard thingy~ *Lazy* 
There are a lots of ugly parts that I measurement errors/cut wrong side etc etc etc, being the lazy and resourceful me; I don't want to remake those parts, so I simply use something else to COVER my Mistakes~ Genius right~ lol
And thank you Reuel Ann so much for telling me where she got that colour of paper from and that stick materials for baton!!! *Grateful* *Bow bow bow*
Now where can I put this hat....it's so big and tall... hmmm..

1 comment:

  1. Is there anyway you can tell me where you got the paper from?
