Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New2U Thrift Shop with Wan Ling and Antricia!

This double-sided double eyelids stickers are rather sticky and quite long-lasting~~~ It looks like after I had a plastic surgery for double eyelids HAHAHAHAHA! Since my initial eyelids are very very very single eyelids and my eyes are much small~ SEE, it's doesn't need plastic surgery to look better than before, makeup and circle lens work too!They are much cheaper too!And if you miss your old look, just remove all the makeup and circle lens, EASY! HAHAHAHAH!
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Circle lens, Double-sided double eyelids stickers, Concealer and BB Cream that's all~! 
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*My New Eyes* lol
We went to Bugis to shop at New2U Thrift Shop and Bugis Street~ New2U Thrift Shop not that difficult to find just that walking under the hot and sexy Sun can melt like don't know what! I didn't buy anything in the end as usual, since it's much harder for clothes to catch my eyes~
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With Antricia!                                     With Wan Ling!

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