Friday, August 15, 2014

neko96 reshoot and Shichimiya night shoot

Had a neko96 reshoot(for making coscard) in the morning and Shichimiya night shoot in the evening!
I woke up at 7am to makeup all those....blah blah blah
It rained when Kang Lin and I got off the bus to our shooting location lol, it wasn't raining when we met at Clementi mrt station!!! OAO Pretty much waiting rain to stop for like around 2hrs I think?  X A X
Argh I forgot take selfies for neko96...
Thank for the reshoot even it's just for one photo~!!!! Gonna use that for my new coscard~~~

Reached back home at 5pm and prepared till 6pm then rush out~
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took 2 selfies before I rushed out NIHAHAHAHA! Notice any poster in the background?
*That's my FAVOURITE poster for now*
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Taken in the bus~ OUO
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thank Dantong for coming to sk!!!! and thank for the shoot oniichan!!!!!!
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One of the photo from the shoot~!!! ^W^

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