Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shichimiya Costest "NiHAHAHAHAHAA"!

Shichimiya Costest 
Me imitating her laugh...omg hahahahaa...
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I made the neko clips and bags myself~~~Sew quite long... .> m <. Finally done last month and lazyyying for so long then I costest her...
Does the skirt looks better with pannier or without??????????
Coz without pannier, the skirt looks so dead flat, but with pannier, the skirt looks super duper overly puffy... ...>>OAO<<...
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That "Heart" drawn can hardly be seen... *Wink wink*
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She's definitely full of poses~~~~~~~~
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                                                       for a few episodes she've this *sadness* feel...

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