Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Self-taken Photoshoot in Graduation Gowns part2 with Antricia and Wan Ling at RP

We're in Republic Poly(RP) to Take Photos in our Graduation Gowns Again~ But today is with Antricia and Wan Ling instead~ and Kelly didn't come coz she woke up late or sth like that de~~~
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*The usual makeup like on Monday*

Start at RP at a indoor location where Antricia brought us to~~~ Wahhhhh The AIRCONNNNNNN~~~~~~~ *Good Location* for the photoshoot~
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Once again we have all the different graduation gown here~~~ left to right;RP, TP and NP
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Self-taken of cos~~~ I placed the camera on the table and set timer as usual MUHAHAHAHHAHA! More experiences taking at TP on Monday~~~
The Spiral Staircase is sooooo beautiful, definitely must take here!!!
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Notice the position change? *Antricia and Wan Ling*
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*Antricia and I*
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*Wan Ling and I*
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That famous sit on the grass shoot~ I ran back and fore a lots of times for this shoot~ *Sweats* So happy that it turns out well!
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This photo was captured when I forgot to set timer, and Antricia and Wan Ling happened to laugh~ Perfect Candid that look soooooooooo CUTE!!!!

This the cute cute shoot(kindda dangerous though), whereby they sat at the Slope area~
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People with strong arms get to sit up here HAHAHHAA! Antricia is really good at making this kind of expression!!! * w *
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O*O *Accept our love*                    *Gay Pose* OAO
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That Slope looks good at this angles~~~~~
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We see our bags and stuffs from this angles lol HAHAHAHA!
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look like Queen sia~~~                     feels from Antricia~~~  

Jump shoot~~~!!! Only for jump shoot we're using Antricia's mobile phone camera, coz my digital camera shuttle speed is too slow~
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Wan Ling's Jump Shot!
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*This is actually a test shot*              Antricia's Jump shot!
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Photoshoot ended!                           They have such thing in RP Library; Weighing                                                                           Machine~*why does girls like to weigh themselves?* I don't                                                         even weigh myself unless needed.
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~Late Lunch in RP~
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