Friday, October 3, 2014

Thailand trip Day0

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I slept at 4+am in the morning to finish up my comm research assignment since it's due today when I'm flying off. I was doing PR essay assignment before I rush to airport... So.. That explains for my ugly tired face HAHAHAHA
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Going to Bangkok with all of them~~~~ picture taken from Wanxin's phone

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And so, Wanxin sitting beside me~~~~
Coz we flew off off when it's about dusk... Therefore, those beautiful changes of sky...
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All taken using my phone camera... packed all my stuffs in a hurry so... I forgot and I left my camera AT HOME >A<
Night views of Thailand...
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I feel so awkward at first... but well, really thank alots for the ride to your house and the delicious supper!!!
I was damh tired but of cos I wun let myself sleep so early since I have assignment to be completed by Monday... I brought my laptop and books to thailand.  X A X I did till 3+am/4am then sleep...

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